VENKAT TRANSPORT SDN. BHD. is a company which has its history dating back more than 30 long years ago, founded by the Late Mr. Valitherm or better known as Mr. Raju who started this company from scratch and humble beginnings. It was then known as SYK. RAJU TRADING and later Safemovers Sdn. Bhd.
Since 1997, Mr. Venkateswaran Valitherm has been the pillar of VENKAT TRANSPORT SDN. BHD., a thriving company supported by long serving, experienced and well-trained work force. An expert in the field Mr. Venkat emphasises secure delivery, service quality, efficiency and effectiveness.
Today, continuing to remain humble, VENKAT TRANSPORT SDN. BHD. has grown in leaps and bounds to become a leading professional safe mover and logistics solutions company with proven track record for providing & supporting our customer’s needs with services of the highest quality.